3 Ways to potty in the woods

3 ways to potty in the woods

By Shelby Kisgen

Camping is a blast; pooping in the woods, not so much. There are multiple ways to remain hygienic, sanitary, and polite when taking care of digestive needs in the wilderness. From simple to complex, here are 3 ways to potty in the woods.

  1. Dig a Hole: If you are going on a day hike and nature calls in the metaphorical way, it is silly to try to build a lean-to porta potty or find the nearest public service station. Instead, move away from prying eyes and dig a hole. Use a stick, claw up the dirt, or pack a shovel, whatever works just make it deep enough that it will not be easily unearthed if someone unknowingly steps on it. Answer nature’s call, then cover the hole with dirt, leaves, and twigs. Pack out toilet paper; do not bury it. Yes it will decompose, but it is better to leave no trace. Wrap the soiled toilet paper in clean tissue, seal it in a bag and pack it out. Remember to apply hand sanitizer afterward.
  1. Pee Party: When you need to pee but not anything else, just find a hillside and remember to always let it flow down. Make sure you are not mooning anyone, or peeing near a water source. Natural run-off in that sense is a very bad thing indeed. Use hand sanitizer after!
  1. Build a Bathroom: For a while Build-a-Bear was the chicest present to give a kid. Building a porta-potty is not so fun, but far more useful. When doing an extended camping trip, packing out waste is much easier on the environment. To build your own inexpensive portable toilet, you just need a few items.

– 5 gallon bucket or milk crate

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Choosing the best camping shoes for you

camping shoes

By Shelby Kisgen

Shoe time is a woman’s favorite time. What is it about women and shoes? While that mystery shall remain unsolved, it is important to pick the right shoes when going camping. While you might love all your little leather babies, some are better suited for camping than others. When packing your bags, make sure you consider which shoes to choose for camping by considering these tips first.

Walking Shoes: Whether you plan to hike or not, camping involves lots read more

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